quinta-feira, dezembro 28, 2006

Tré e Mike chateados com Billie?

From: Tre'
Date: Dec 28, 2006 10:20 AM
Body: yes billie joe apologized...yes it was sweet...yes i accept it....but to make this clear to all of u....mike and i are STILL NOT TALKING TO HIM....he said some things he should have never said to us....never...and those things were on the phone...and that will stay there...and mike and i really cant forgive him for that just yet.....when the time is right i will let u all know what he said....but if i had to summarize it all up for u...he baisically said he never knew why he was friends with us to begin with....thats just to sum it up....he never really stated that but that wat was shown to us....like i said in all of my other buletins...the truth came out...mike and i just feel that we need a break from him....u can all go and be happy with billie again and praise him on how much of a man he is for apologizing....go ahead...but before u praise him...ask him how many other times has he actually apologized?...ill tell u once! and this was that one time...its always mike and i saying we arr sorry and shit blows over like mike and i dont exist....and we got sick of it....so u know what...until he can get is act together u wont be hearing anything nice come out of my mouth about billie....im sorry to put it so bluntly but he really hurt mike and i in a way we didnt think was possible....please a comment for a reply not a message.


Se quiserem deixar alguma coisa para o Tré e/ou Mike, deixem nos comentários, que será entregue.

domingo, dezembro 24, 2006

Green Day e NRDC

Dear Friend,

Last month we launched our GreenDayNRDC.com site, teaming up with NRDC, America's most effective environmental action group. We are taking action to stop greedy corporations and short-sighted governments from destroying our environment, and we want our fans to join us.

The latest news for our planet is pretty grim. Scientists are saying that if we don't take action now to slow global warming then the polar ice cap will be completely gone in 35 years. Good-bye polar bears, hello catastrophic hurricanes and droughts.

That's why we are sending you this link to our newest video at http://www.nrdconline.org/campaign/greenday . We hope that you'll like what you see and hear. And, if you haven't already, sign up to receive breaking environmental news and action alerts. The more activists we have with us, the more chance we have to slow global warming and protect our last wild places.

So, please, go to http://www.nrdconline.org/campaign/greenday now and sign up. Thanks, again, for standing with us.

Billie Joe, Mike, Tre

sexta-feira, dezembro 22, 2006


Esta semana na Kerrang podem encontrar o seguinte (esta semana... quer dizer... para a semana que vem - a partir de 4ª feira - cá em Portugal):

segunda-feira, dezembro 18, 2006


Vamos deixar isto simples e directo:
Segundo a programação da tv cabo, dia 19 (terça-feira, amanhã) às 23h30 na MTV, dá MTV Live - Green Day ao vivo. Só diz que são 30 minutos de um concerto de Green Day. Vejam!! Não vos podemos é dizer qual é o concerto, e se é ou não do Bullet In A Bible.

sábado, dezembro 16, 2006

Behind The Music

sexta-feira, dezembro 15, 2006

1039/Smooth e Kerplunk

A data de lançamento para 1039/Smooth e Kerplunk está para 9 de Janeiro. Os dois álbuns vão ser novamente editados mas pela Reprise.

Podes encomentar os álbuns em Buy.com. Há duas versões do 1039/Smooth, com $2 de diferença. Não há certeza qual é a diferença entre os dois (isto é se houver) por isso deixamo-vos aqui os links (sabemos que não são portugueses, mas se tiverem mais de 18 anos não deve haver problema, mas mesmo se não tiverem, estes CDs em príncipio vão ser vendidos cá também):

» 1039/Smoothed Out Slappy Hours ($11.47) | ($13.56)
» Kerplunk ($11.47)

sábado, dezembro 09, 2006

Parabéns a você!!! Tré!!

Hoje o nosso baterista favorito faz anos!! Hoje é o dia em que ele faz 34 aninhos. A idade vai aumentando mas ele continua um miúdo. Parabéns Tré Cool!!! Hoje é o teu dia, aproveita-o!!

sexta-feira, dezembro 08, 2006

Hit List Portugal

Esta semana novas entradas, nas quais The Saints Are Coming dos (claro) Green Day & U2! Por isso registem-se e votem!! Só podem votar uma vez por dia, mas é mesmo para votar!
É só irem a

quinta-feira, dezembro 07, 2006

Excelentes Notícias

Green Day e U2 estáo nomeados para os Grammys na categoria
"Best Rock Performance By A Duo Or Group" com o single The Saints Are Coming!

quarta-feira, dezembro 06, 2006

Notícias sobre o novo CD

A revista NME traz um artigo que fala sobre o trabalho de Green Day para o próximo álbum. No pequeno artigo Billie Joe diz que a banda tem feito demos e escrito letras de músicas a tentar descobrir para que lado se hão de virar para o álbum que aí virá.

"here's an idea that we've been toying with - of doing something that has a story behind it [like American idiot]. Then there's stuff that we're doing that's some of the strangest sounds that we've ever heard. It's kind of like [The Clash's] 'Sandinista!' on acid or something! And then there's something that's just straight up punk songs that's flying around too - with a total of 30 songs, so we're just gonna catalogue and see what ends up happening."

Também é mencionado no artigo que o filme de American Idiot que tinha sido pensado foi posto à parte porque têm passado mais tempo a dedicar-se à música.

sábado, dezembro 02, 2006

Revista e NRDC

Billie Joe e Adrienne estão na nova edição da revista "Punk Rock Confidencial" na qual estão também na capa. Só sai na América a 15 de Dezembro.

Billie Joe escreveu uma carta a um fã a explicar porque se juntaram a NRDC, podem ver a seguir o que ele escreveu:

Dear Green Day fan,

I grew up in an oil refinery town. When I was four years old, I saw giant oil refineries spitting pollution into the sky, and that pollution was going into my lungs. It was the first time I felt the terrible effects of America’s dependence on oil.

America’s oil habit has put us in serious trouble. While oil companies are collecting bigger profits than any companies in history, we’re suffering from global warming and watching more and more of our public lands get destroyed by oil drilling. Last year, we sent more than a hundred billion dollars in oil money to undemocratic countries in the Middle East.

We’ve all got to do our part to stop America’s oil addiction. That’s why Mike, Tre, and I have joined forces with NRDC (the Natural Resources Defense Council) and launched a new website, http://www.greendaynrdc.com.

We’re supporting NRDC’s Move America Beyond Oil campaign, which can radically reduce our dependence on oil. If you haven’t already, click here to watch our new video and tell President Bush to Move America Beyond Oil.

A lot of people feel overwhelmed by our government. But a democracy is supposed to be a government run by the people: we elect politicians to office, so we have control over the people who are making decisions for us. It’s okay and very rebellious to speak up and take responsibility for our environment, to take care of the air that we breathe and the water that we drink.

Click here to check out our new video and write to the President, and don’t forget to visit out our new site at http://www.greendaynrdc.com.


Billie Joe Armstrong