Saints and winners

A capa do single "The Saints Are Coming" já saiu. E podem vê-la aqui. E também, o CD do single estará à venda na 1ª semana de Novembro (isto na América claro... cá nem se sabe se vai sair de todo :S)

"The guys were very friendly and relaxed. I showed Tre my hand grenade tattoo and he said it was so cool, he had his friend Mitch take a picture of my leg with the tatoo and him! Tre wanted MY picture!!!! Billie Joe was talking to some of the Hollywood types about their movie. All three gave autographs and were willing to have their pics taken with us. Billie Joe gave an acceptance speach (complete with folded notes) When he pulled the speech notes out of his pocket he laughed and said "All my money just fell on the floor!", Tre quickly pocketed it. In the speech he talked about the different administrations they grew up under and how they were not interested in politics, just in being punks and rebels. Then he said "I never really watched TV and saw what was going on, and then one day I turned on the TV and saw the war. Its gotta stop. (he hits his head) It kills people- duh. (lots of cheers and applause) Thats why I fucking turn on the TV now-its the American Way" (name of group who gave the award). It was a highlight of my life-you haven't lived till you have Billie Joe's arm around your waist!!! We were a table of 8 fans, one who came from Florida, the rest of the tables were politicians and Hollywood people. It was an evening to remember!"

a capa ta bue fixe. adoro a boca super aberta do billie :P o billie tava mesmo fofinho na acceptance speach :D
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